Mid-Long term program at Unimap

Q What motivated you to study abroad?

I decided to study abroad because I had always been interested in living abroad. Another reason I decided to study abroad was that I wanted to improve my English communication skills through studying abroad. I chose Malaysia because I felt that I could learn a lot by living in a country with a very different culture from Japan.


Q What was your most memorable experience studying abroad?

When I attended a soccer match with a university team in Malaysia, I was very impressed by the scene of people praying before the match in a prayer room at the stadium. I felt the difference in religious beliefs between Japan and Malaysia. I also heard about Ramadan and learned that it is an important time to reaffirm the importance of food and gratitude for our daily lives.


Q What kind of classes did you take while studying abroad? What were the classes like?

I took classes related to presentation. In terms of research, I was assigned to a laboratory and was able to discuss with professors and students. In addition, by observing actual research on automatic prediction of soccer stats using sensors, I was able to gain knowledge about sensors and image recognition.


Q  Message to those considering studying abroad

I know you may have many concerns going abroad, but this is a chance to make friends of many nationalities and experience various unknowns, so please consider it. Some people give up because they think that studying abroad requires a lot of money, but in fact, there is a lot of support for studying abroad, so I suggest that you first consult with the International Office.