A3I Short Program (Dispatch) conducted

A3I short program at Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU), China and Pukyong National University (PKNU), South Korea were conducted respectively.


Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU), China conducted its short program from August 6th (Sun) ~ August 16th (Wed), in which 4 students from the University of Yamanashi attended. Pukyong National University (PKNU), South Korea conducted the program from August 7th (Mon) ~ August 17th (Thu), in which 9 UY students attended.


The A3I short program is conducted each year, aiming to promote the mutual understanding between the peer students and the acquisition of cross-cultural communication skills by immersing the students in a variety of cultural experiences and communicative activities in foreign countries. This year UY, HDU, and PKNU conducted short program respectively. For UniMAP, the short program is scheduled to be conducted in the Spring of 2024 (around February-March).


In the short program of HDU, the students enjoyed various Chinese cultural experiences, such as calligraphy, Tai chi, sightseeing, as well as visiting the museums and learning Chinese language. In the short program of PKNU, the students experienced K-POP Dance, Taekwondo, Samulnori (Korean traditional percussion quartet). The students also went on excursions to Busan and Gyeongju.


The participating students gained deeper understandings toward China and Korea through exposure to the culture and history of these two countries. The students from China, Japan and Malaysia had great fun in the cross-cultural communication with local students. In addition, through their life in the local university, the short program also provided the students with the opportunity to consider the potentiality of joining in the mid-long term oversea study program in the future.


The recruitment for the UniMAP short program (scheduled at the Spring of 2024) will start at the end of this September.



【Hangzhou Dianzi University, China】

Excursion to West Lake, Hangzhou                    Tai chi Experience



【Pukyong National University, Korea】

Taekwondo Experience                                                          K-pop Dance