A3I Short Program 2023 Conducted

From August 17 th (Thu) ~ August 31st (Thu), A3I Short Program was conducted at the Kofu Campus of the University of Yamanashi.


This short program is part of the “Asia Applied Artificial Intelligence (A3I): Real Problem Solving Driven Artificial Intelligence Education Program”, adopted by the CAMPUS Asia Plus from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology – Japan). It aims to promote cultural exchanges and conducts program every year.


“A3I: Asia Real Problem Solving Driven Artificial Intelligence Education Program” was co-organised by four universities in the consortium – University of Yamanashi (Japan), Hangzhou Dianzi University (China), Pukyong National University (South Korea) and University Malaysia Perlis (Malaysia).


A total of 18 students from China, Korea and Malaysia participated in this program. They experienced various Japanese culture such as Yukata, Kado, Koto, Wagashi, Furoshiki, and so on. They also had city tour in Kofu and went on excursions to Mt. Fuji area. The diverse activities together with the Japanese language learning enhanced their understanding towards Japanese culture. Likewise, they deepened their AI knowledge by attending AI lectures, workshop, visiting labs and research center.


On the final day, the students attended the workshop entitled as “Application development applying AI (deep learning) and its social implementation”.  The students from the 4 universities were mixed and divided into 5 groups. Each group brainstormed and discussed their ideas about AI technology and its application in the real social occasions. Presentations were made after in-depth discussions.


The participants expressed their positive comments on this program, such as “Various Japanese culture was experienced. It was fun.” “I started to like Japan more”. ”I want to study at the Graduate School of the University of Yamanashi”. This short program was proved to be a fruitful one.


Please click the following link for the information about A3I short program held in HDU and PKNU (https://a3i.yamanashi.ac.jp/en/report-en/1283/).


Orientation at the first day                         Excursion to Mt. Fuji Area



Experience of Yukata                             Lab tour



Presentation at the AI workshop                                        Scene of farewell party