A3I Summer School Conducted at HDU, China

From August 6th (Sun) ~ August 18th (Fri), A3I Summer School 2023 was conducted at Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU), China. 5 students from the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Yamanashi attended this program. The A3I Summer School is specialized in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the four universities in the consortium take turns to conduct it.


The participants attended the AI related lectures, visited the labs of AI at HDU and the leading enterprise “Dahua Technology”, which is famous in the domain of AI・IoT. Students were enabled to learn the latest trend of AI technology in China and deepen their knowledge in this regard.


Through participation in the summer school, students from the 4 universities (UY, HDU, PKNU, UniMAP) deepened their AI knowledge, applied it in real-problem settings, made the project presentations and shared their ideas. The summer school turned out to be a fruitful one.


visit to Dahua Technology Enterprise                             scene of research project presentation