UY’s staff visited HDU, China

From August 6th (Sun) to August 9th (Wed), 2023, staff of University of Yamanashi visited Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU) in China.


During this visit, the staff members accompanied the students participating in the Summer Short Program and Summer School, observed the operation of the program and interacted with HDU staff members.


HDU was hosting the A3I Short Program and the Summer School this year, and 9 students from the University of Yamanashi participated in these programs. The staff members observed the campus and learning environment where the students spent their time, and had a detailed discussion with HDU staff regarding the program implementation schedule and the environment for sending and receiving students for the A3I student exchange program.


Through this visit, the staff members were able to strengthen the program management system among themselves and exchange information for future student exchange and program management.



        Opening Ceremony             Group photo of participating students