Short Program at HDU


Yan San Woo


1st year of Doctoral Course, System Integration Engineering, Department of Engineering

Program Date

August 7 to August 21, 2023


I joined the program of HDU, China with the aim of immersing myself in the country’s rich culture and traditions. My goal is to learn from diverse perspectives and deepen my understanding. Through this program, I was able to deeply learn about China’s history, traditions, and daily life. I visited museums and historical sites and realized the diversity and specialness of Chinese culture. I also learned that countries throughout the world want to share good ideas with each other. This taught me the importance of learning from people with diverse backgrounds. The most memorable classes for me are the Kungfu class, Chinese Tea class and Chinese Calligraphy class. Traveling is a passion of mine, and I relish the opportunity to experience the diverse cultures of people and the unique characteristics of places. Throughout this program, I enjoy capturing photos as a way to preserve the memorable interactions between myself, the people I met, and the places I visited. These photographs serve as cherished reminders of the experiences I’ve had and the connections I’ve made.

【Program Scheudle 2023】


Date Early Morning Late Morning Afternoon & Evening
Sun Arrival
Mon Chinese Conversation 1 Chinese tea culture visiting China National Tea Museum / interviewing tea farmers / Experiencing Farmhouse Fun
Tue Chinese Conversation 2 Jiangnan food culture Visiting Hangzhou Cuisine Museum / trip to Xixi Wetland
Wed Chinese Conversation 3 Chinese clothing culture Visiting China Silk Museum and China Silk Town
Thu Chinese Conversation 4 Chinese calligraphy Experiencing water buses on the canal / visiting Chinese Umbrella Museum / hands-on traditional handicrafts
Fri Chinese Conversation 5 Chinese medical Visiting Hefang Street and HuQingYu Chinese Pharmacy
Sat Chinese Conversation 6 Chinese traditional sports Experiencing Tai Chi
Sun Chinese Conversation 7 Chinese Etiquette Culture Experiencing Chinese etiquette
Mon Review Certificate issuance Presentation time for each participant
Tue End of Project Departure